Our values and strategic steps also apply to the expectations we set our partners
Aurora’s partner network helps ensure the disturbance free operation of our electricity networks serving customers. We require our partners to comply with the law, the industry site specific regulations of our customers, our own safety guidelines and Aurora’s responsibility targets. In addition, we expect a high-quality, constantly developing and ethically responsible service. In Aurora’s procurements, we monitor the responsibility of our supply chain, e.g. as follows:
Good Corporate Citizen
Aurora’s contractual partners must fulfil their statutory obligations under the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act. Aurora uses the Vastuu Group Reliable Partner service to monitor the fulfilment of its suppliers’ obligations under the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act. In case of a foreign supplier, Aurora verifies the corresponding certificates as per the customer liability law of the country in question.
Without appropriate work permits one cannot work on Aurora’s work sites. There is a zero tolerance for drugs at our sites. Aurora monitors suppliers’ company-level accident rates by way of a questionnaire sent to suppliers. We monitor the supplier’s project-specific occupational safety level in projects. We also encourage collection of positive feedback and developmental goals.
We require our suppliers to take environmental aspects into account at our construction sites, and the implementation of preventive plans is also monitored by way of site inspections. Aurora requests clarification of the Supplier’s impact on climate change and how the company seeks to minimize the negative impact, as well as an explanation of the risks that climate change poses to the company’s operations by way of a sustainability questionnaire sent to the supplier. In addition, Aurora monitors the recycling rate of demolition waste in its projects.
Aurora follows the principles of the UN Global Compact act. Through a liability questionnaire sent to its suppliers, Aurora requests clarification of Supplier’s supply chain, as well as to indicate main components from high-risk countries.