Saku Mässeli ja Olli Vaittinen

In the event of danger

First aid skills are a precondition for safety at work. Accidents can occur due to variety of reasons, anytime, anywhere, and are not always self-inflicted.

Last Thursday, Aurora personnel from Kilpilahti and Espoo took part in a first aid training course. The course was mandatory for those who have the SFS6002 electrical safety card, however others could attend as well. The first face-to-face training day together in over two years was very popular! Almost everyone wanted to sign up. First aid training has been held this year in Tornio as well. Now almost all of Aurora’s personnel are better prepared to help when needed.

The course covered the following topics:

• Electrical accidents and injuries caused by electricity

• Low-voltage and high-voltage accidents

• First aid, unconscious person

• Basic adult resuscitation and use of a defibrillator

•Foreign object in respiratory tracts

• Seizures

• Cut wounds, bruises and other injuries

• Wound types and their first aid

• Major bleeding and circulatory problems (shock)

• Burns caused by electrical accidents and their first aid

• Injuries due to falling, blows to the head

Practice makes perfect!

When it comes to skills that are rarely used, such as first aid, practice is essential. In addition, the courage and readiness to act increases, both on and off the workplace.

The grand finale

We continued our afternoon by enjoying a brisk walk in the Sipoonkorpi National Park. We took the Bakunkärr route. The sun was shining from an almost clear sky. Too bad we forgot our barbeque sausages at the office.


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