Our concept
A network partnership with us meets your specific needs. Our concept guarantees the best results.
How can we help?
New builds
- We approach new builds from the customer’s production point of view. We seek a fit-for-purpose network solution, assist in its procurement, secure efficient execution of works as well as its financing.
- We design the optimal O&M organization for the time post network commissioning.
- We reduce operative and financial risk of the project. You can focus on your core.
Renewing an existing industrial grid
- Often needs of customers and electricity network availability requirements have evolved over time. These need to be accounted for in network development plans. E.g. networks built pre-1980s have reached the end of their expected technical lifetimes and will require attention and substantial economic resources to modernize.
- It is not smart to await failure but instead manage the network proactively due to components having long delivery times.
Operations & maintenance
- We organize a preventive and cost-efficient O&M function
- We offer 24/7 network monitoring and fault resolution
- We identify your needs proactively
- We analyze and communicate the consequences of your production expansion or modification plans from a network perspective
Simply put, we want to secure and strengthen your competitiveness over the long-term. Our transparent partnership model lays ground for trust. Enhanced network availability is financially feasible and often also a climate action as e.g. smaller network losses and higher factory utilization rates mean more production is achieved with less emissions.
Case: Neste
Our network partnership released resources
For a long time, the industrial network in the Kilpilahti area was owned by Neste, but the company sold it to Aurora Infrastructure Oy at the turn of 2014-2015. Besides Neste, the Kilpilahti closed distribution network is also used by other companies in the area. Outsourcing the network released resources for Neste’s core business. Outsourcing the electricity network was a beneficial solution for Neste financially, operationally and from the perspective of developing the network.
Neste Energy Director Jussi Hintikka says:
“Developing the network in the Kilpilahti area requires investments and human resources. Outsourcing the network to Aurora has released these resources back to our core business. Now there is a specialized organization in charge of the electricity infrastructure development and distribution. In just a short period of time, Aurora has made multiple investments in modernizing the network and there is significant development work under way. For us, the greatest uncertainty factor in the outsourcing was the smooth development of cooperation and whether the development of the network would proceed logically from our perspective. Now, a bit over two years later, I can safely say that the collaboration works well at every level. Aurora is committed to developing the network, so our concerns have been proven unfounded.”