Saku Mässeli

My workday during turnaround, Part 2 – System Manager Saku Mässeli

I have worked as a System Manager at Aurora starting from turn of the year 2020/21. I jumped on board when the major turnaround preparations were already well underway. My role has been to prepare and pre-test the SCADA system projects to be implemented during the major maintenance turnaround.

My working days during the major turnaround mainly consist of operating the electricity network, commissioning SCADA-system tests and other system changes related to the turnaround. Due to my previous work history, the work itself has been very familiar and company-specific operating models have been easy to learn. My tasks have been wide-ranging, and I have enjoyed my job.

I think Aurora has set an example with regards to corona virus preventive measures, and has taken various actions to prevent infections such as; implementing a number ticket system when obtaining work permits. Protective plexi-glass walls was installed in the office where safety distances cannot be maintained.

The major turnaround got off to a smooth start without major setbacks, and I believe that the rest of the turnaround will be completed on schedule.

The cornerstones of the company are emphasized in everything Aurora does – safety, reliability, open dialogue with stakeholders as well as an active and flexible customer service. Although the major turnaround is quite short and very intensive compared to the large amount of work, the work has been done calmly, within agreed schedule with the customers and the always keeping safety in focus.

Saku Mässeli, System Manager

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